privacy policy


The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines on the collection, use, storage and disclosureof personal information, support relevant agencies and assist in investigation of suspected breaches ofpolicy and/or codes of conduct and to ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 2020 (“the Act”).

The Policy will also:

  1. Outline how Line Capital Holdings Limited will provide financial accommodation, and other services relating thereto, in each case, to its customers, including by collecting personal information from customers in connection with the provision of such financial accommodation and ongoing monitoring of the same.
  2. Ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 2020.

This Policy is for Line Capital Holdings Limited and each of its Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries (Line Capital Group). Your information may be shared with companies within the holding group to facilitate financial accommodation and other services relating thereto.

Line Capital Group is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives. This privacy policy will explain how Line Capital Group collects, uses, stores, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. It will also explain how you can access and correct any personal information that we hold about you, how to request information from us, and how to complain about any suspected privacy breach.

The terms in this Policy will allow Line Capital Group to provide you with our products and services and review and meet your ongoing needs to the best of its ability. This may be by letting you know about other products or services it offers, sending you information about special offers or inviting you to events.

The privacy officer for Line Capital Group can be contacted on:
Line Capital Group Privacy Officer
[email protected]
09 886 7014

What is personal information?

The term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. Personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This includes such things as your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation.

A “Cookie” is a file which allows us to track your likes, dislikes and interests as your use our websites.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available.

Collection of your information

Personal information will be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with and necessary for a Line Capital Group activity. Information will be collected directly from the individual concerned unless it is publicly available or the individual concerned authorises collection of the information from someone else.

We collect your information from you when you visit our website. This can either be by you inputting your information into our website, or through the use of Cookies.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available. This may include, but is not limited to, credit bureaus and “selected online webpages”.

The information that we collect may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Your name, address (postal and email), location and telephone numbers;
  2. Your identification documents (such as passport and drivers licence);
  3. Your bank account details;
  4. Any organisation details you provide us such as name, NZBN and address;
  5. The IP address for your computer or IT system;
  6. Your browsing behaviour;
  7. Your Line Capital Group activity;
  8. If you are using your social sign-in;
  9. Information required to for compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009; and
  10. Your social media addresses.

If any of the information provided to us includes information about another person, this is on the basis that you have confirmed they have authorised you to provide us with that information.

How we collect personal information

Line Capital Group will only collect information from you in a way that is lawful and fair. If it is reasonable and practicable, we will collect personal information we require directly from you. We will collect personal information in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

  1.  through our application processes, forms and other interactions with you in the course of providing you with our products and services; and
  2. when you visit our website (including through the use of Cookies), call us or send us correspondence.

We may also collect personal information from a third party, including but not limited to, banks and non-financial bank institutions, credit agencies, government agencies and marketing agencies.

How we store your information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information we collect about you is protected against loss, unauthorised access or disclosure. Our processes meet the requirements prescribed by both New Zealand and Australian legislation.

We store information on our premises and systems or offsite using trusted third parties. We use reasonable measures to ensure you personal information secure.

In relation to information that is held on our computer database, we apply the following guidelines:

  1. Passwords are required to access the system and passwords are routinely checked;
  2. Data ownership is clearly defined;
  3. We change employees’ access capabilities when they are assigned to a new position;
  4. Employees have restricted access to certain sections of the system;
  5. The system automatically logs and reviews all unauthorised access attempts;
  6. Unauthorised employees are barred from updating and editing personal information;
  7. All computers which contain personal information are secured both physically and electronically;
  8. Data is encrypted during transmission over the network; and
  9. Print reporting of data containing personal information is limited.

Data will be retained for a limited period of time, being the period of time required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. Where information is required to be kept for longer, it will only be retained for a reasonable period of time.

Your rights to access and correct your information

You can ask us to provide you with information we hold about you and request corrections to it at any time. There may be a charge for providing this information, but we will let you know if this is the case before we provide you the information.

Line Capital Group will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information it holds is accurate, up to date, complete and not misleading.

If you would like to see the information we hold about you or request a correction, please fill out the complaints form at Appendix 1, and/or contact us at Line Capital Group.

Disclosure of your information

Line Capital Group will generally only disclose your personal information in circumstances where it is being disclosed for the purposes it was collected, or you have authorised the disclosure. There may be some circumstances (eg. to lessen a threat to public or individual health and safety or to assist with law enforcement) where we may also disclose information. Where reasonably practicable, information disclosed will be anonymous.

Any disclosure will be in accordance with the relevant legislation. We may disclose your information to the following third parties:

  1. Anyone that provides us services that relate to a purpose listed above (including third parties in New Zealand and overseas). This may include disclosures to parties such as (but not limited to) a potential novatee, agent, professional advisor, financial institutions;
  2. Government agencies and other third parties where required or permitted by law or any Court;
  3. Anyone that can help us if your use of our site is causing us technical issues (including an attack on our site, systems or networks);
  4. Any debt collection agency or provider needed to recover debt;
  5. Any member of personnel conducting an investigation into our company;
  6. Other members of the Line Capital Group, which must handle your information in accordance with this Policy;
  7. Any other party we consider to require your information to whom we can disclose your information in accordance with this Policy and the Privacy Act 2020.

We collect, hold and use, information related to your commercial and consumer creditworthiness from credit reporting bodies including; Equifax (0800 692 733; [email protected]), for all purposes permitted by law. We also disclose information to them. This activity is conducted for the purpose of assessing your credit capacity, eligibility or history in connection with an application, collecting payments from you, and managing our credit relationship.

Creditworthiness information includes information that is both positive (like payment information) and negative (like defaults or serious credit infringements that we may disclose to credit reporting bodies if you fail to pay us). We may obtain personal information from credit reporting bodies, provide personal information to credit reporting bodies as well as use monitoring services to receive updates.

Personal information provided by us to credit reporting bodies may be further provided to other customers of credit reporting bodies.

We may also disclose your information to anyone you authorise us to disclose that information to.


Our site is able to place a Cookie on your computer or IT system.

We may use this information to help us identify you, to personalize your experience when you visit our site and to provide you advertisements for our services when you visit ours or third party websites.

You can stop Cookies being placed on your computer or IT system by changing the settings for your internet browser. Please note that some of our site’s features will not work without Cookies.

In addition, our site may use a third party Cookies such as Google Analytics for display advertisers, including the following features:

  1. Google display network impression reporting – this gives us additional insight as to who has viewed our paid advertising on other websites. This will help us optimise and tailor our advertising.
  2. Google display network impression reporting – this gives us additional insight as to who has viewed our paid advertising on other websites. This will help us optimise and tailor our advertising
  3. Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting - which gives us insight into behaviour information relating to visitor age, gender and organisation type and industry.
  4. Interests on an anonymous and aggregate level. This will help us to understand browsing behaviour to give you a better experience whilst visiting our Site.
  5. Cookies are used to analyse your use of our Site and to serve ads when you visit our Site. The information we collect and share with third parties through Cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous (it does not include personal information which is likely to identify you). The information may be used to serve you ads in relation to our products when you visit our Site and third party websites. You can access information about Google’s Privacy Policy here.
  6. Other members of the Line Capital Group, which must handle your information in accordance with this Policy;
  7. While we recommend that users enable Cookies on their browsers in order to enjoy all the features of our Site, the decision remains in the hands of the user. Most browsers allow you to control management of Cookies, this will be different depending on each user’s PC - refer to your browser help menu for further information.


We take compliance seriously. To report a breach you will need to complete a privacy complaint form, and send it to the privacy officer. The privacy officer will meet with you to discuss the process for dealing with your complaint. You can download the Privacy Complaint Form here.

Any suspected or known breaches of the privacy will be investigated by the privacy officer, who will take appropriate action to prevent any further breach and minimise impact.

Where any breach of personal privacy has the potential to cause embarrassment or harm, the affected individual will be advised of the breach and supported to minimise impact, and Line Capital Group will seek to agree a remedy acceptable to the individual.

Should there be a deliberate breach of the privacy of a person, the person in breach will be considered to have committed serious misconduct and may be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal. They may also be subject to the terms of the Act.

You can also make a complaint directly to the Privacy Commissioner. The Commissioner will either investigate the complaint or decide to take no action, following the rules set out in the Act. The privacy officer will assist the Privacy Commissioner in any investigation.

Line Capital Group is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives. This privacy policy will explain how Line Capital Group collects, uses, stores, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. It will also explain how you can access and correct any personal information that we hold about you, how to request information from us, and how to complain about any suspected privacy breach.

This Policy is for Line Capital Holdings Limited and each of its Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries (Line Capital Group). Your information may be shared with companies within the holding group to facilitate financial accommodation and other services relating thereto.

Changing this policy

We may change this policy at any time by changing or removing existing terms or adding new ones. Changes may take the form of a completely new policy. We will tell you about any changes and updated policy on our website. Any changes we make apply from the date we post it on the website.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, email us at Line Capital Group.

What is personal information?

The term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. Personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This includes such things as your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation.

A “Cookie” is a file which allows us to track your likes, dislikes and interests as your use our websites.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available.

What is personal information?

The term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. Personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This includes such things as your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation.

A “Cookie” is a file which allows us to track your likes, dislikes and interests as your use our websites.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available.

Collection of your information

Personal information will be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with and necessary for a Line Capital Group activity. Information will be collected directly from the individual concerned unless it is publicly available or the individual concerned authorises collection of the information from someone else.

We collect your information from you when you visit our website. This can either be by you inputting your information into our website, or through the use of Cookies.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available. This may include, but is not limited to, credit bureaus and “selected online webpages”.

The information that we collect may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Your name, address (postal and email), location and telephone numbers;
  2. Your identification documents (such as passport and drivers licence);
  3. Your bank account details;
  4. Any organisation details you provide us such as name, NZBN and address;
  5. The IP address for your computer or IT system;
  6. Your browsing behaviour;
  7. Your Line Capital Group activity;
  8. If you are using your social sign-in;
  9. Information required to for compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009; and
  10. Your social media addresses.

If any of the information provided to us includes information about another person, this is on the basis that you have confirmed they have authorised you to provide us with that information.

What is personal information?

The term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Act. Personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This includes such things as your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation.

A “Cookie” is a file which allows us to track your likes, dislikes and interests as your use our websites.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available.

The privacy officer for Line Capital Group can be contacted on:
Line Capital Group Privacy Officer
[email protected]
09 886 7014

Collection of your information

Personal information will be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with and necessary for a Line Capital Group activity. Information will be collected directly from the individual concerned unless it is publicly available or the individual concerned authorises collection of the information from someone else.

We collect your information from you when you visit our website. This can either be by you inputting your information into our website, or through the use of Cookies.

We may also collect information about you from third parties when you have authorised this or where such information is publicly available. This may include, but is not limited to, credit bureaus and “selected online webpages”.

The information that we collect may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Your name, address (postal and email), location and telephone numbers;
  2. Your identification documents (such as passport and drivers licence);
  3. Your bank account details;
  4. Any organisation details you provide us such as name, NZBN and address;
  5. The IP address for your computer or IT system;
  6. Your browsing behaviour;
  7. Your Line Capital Group activity;
  8. If you are using your social sign-in;
  9. Information required to for compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009; and
  10. Your social media addresses.

If any of the information provided to us includes information about another person, this is on the basis that you have confirmed they have authorised you to provide us with that information.

The terms in this Policy will allow Line Capital Group to provide you with our products and services and review and meet your ongoing needs to the best of its ability. This may be by letting you know about other products or services it offers, sending you information about special offers or inviting you to events.

How we collect personal information

Line Capital Group will only collect information from you in a way that is lawful and fair. If it is reasonable and practicable, we will collect personal information we require directly from you. We will collect personal information in a number of ways, including but not limited to:

  1.  through our application processes, forms and other interactions with you in the course of providing you with our products and services; and
  2. when you visit our website (including through the use of Cookies), call us or send us correspondence.

We may also collect personal information from a third party, including but not limited to, banks and non-financial bank institutions, credit agencies, government agencies and marketing agencies.

How we store your information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information we collect about you is protected against loss, unauthorised access or disclosure. Our processes meet the requirements prescribed by both New Zealand and Australian legislation.

We store information on our premises and systems or offsite using trusted third parties. We use reasonable measures to ensure you personal information secure.

In relation to information that is held on our computer database, we apply the following guidelines:

  1. Passwords are required to access the system and passwords are routinely checked;
  2. Data ownership is clearly defined;
  3. We change employees’ access capabilities when they are assigned to a new position;
  4. Employees have restricted access to certain sections of the system;
  5. The system automatically logs and reviews all unauthorised access attempts;
  6. Unauthorised employees are barred from updating and editing personal information;
  7. All computers which contain personal information are secured both physically and electronically;
  8. Data is encrypted during transmission over the network; and
  9. Print reporting of data containing personal information is limited.

Data will be retained for a limited period of time, being the period of time required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. Where information is required to be kept for longer, it will only be retained for a reasonable period of time.

Your rights to access and correct your information

You can ask us to provide you with information we hold about you and request corrections to it at any time. There may be a charge for providing this information, but we will let you know if this is the case before we provide you the information.

Line Capital Group will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information it holds is accurate, up to date, complete and not misleading.

If you would like to see the information we hold about you or request a correction, please fill out the complaints form at Appendix 1, and/or contact us at Line Capital Group.

Disclosure of your information

Line Capital Group will generally only disclose your personal information in circumstances where it is being disclosed for the purposes it was collected, or you have authorised the disclosure. There may be some circumstances (eg. to lessen a threat to public or individual health and safety or to assist with law enforcement) where we may also disclose information. Where reasonably practicable, information disclosed will be anonymous.

Any disclosure will be in accordance with the relevant legislation. We may disclose your information to the following third parties:

  1. Anyone that provides us services that relate to a purpose listed above (including third parties in New Zealand and overseas). This may include disclosures to parties such as (but not limited to) a potential novatee, agent, professional advisor, financial institutions;
  2. Government agencies and other third parties where required or permitted by law or any Court;
  3. Anyone that can help us if your use of our site is causing us technical issues (including an attack on our site, systems or networks);
  4. Any debt collection agency or provider needed to recover debt;
  5. Any member of personnel conducting an investigation into our company;
  6. Other members of the Line Capital Group, which must handle your information in accordance with this Policy;
  7. Any other party we consider to require your information to whom we can disclose your information in accordance with this Policy and the Privacy Act 2020.

We collect, hold and use, information related to your commercial and consumer creditworthiness from credit reporting bodies including; Equifax (0800 692 733; [email protected]), for all purposes permitted by law. We also disclose information to them. This activity is conducted for the purpose of assessing your credit capacity, eligibility or history in connection with an application, collecting payments from you, and managing our credit relationship.

Creditworthiness information includes information that is both positive (like payment information) and negative (like defaults or serious credit infringements that we may disclose to credit reporting bodies if you fail to pay us). We may obtain personal information from credit reporting bodies, provide personal information to credit reporting bodies as well as use monitoring services to receive updates.

Personal information provided by us to credit reporting bodies may be further provided to other customers of credit reporting bodies.

We may also disclose your information to anyone you authorise us to disclose that information to.


Our site is able to place a Cookie on your computer or IT system.

We may use this information to help us identify you, to personalize your experience when you visit our site and to provide you advertisements for our services when you visit ours or third party websites.

You can stop Cookies being placed on your computer or IT system by changing the settings for your internet browser. Please note that some of our site’s features will not work without Cookies.

In addition, our site may use a third party Cookies such as Google Analytics for display advertisers, including the following features:

  1. Google display network impression reporting – this gives us additional insight as to who has viewed our paid advertising on other websites. This will help us optimise and tailor our advertising.
  2. Google display network impression reporting – this gives us additional insight as to who has viewed our paid advertising on other websites. This will help us optimise and tailor our advertising
  3. Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting - which gives us insight into behaviour information relating to visitor age, gender and organisation type and industry.
  4. Interests on an anonymous and aggregate level. This will help us to understand browsing behaviour to give you a better experience whilst visiting our Site.
  5. Cookies are used to analyse your use of our Site and to serve ads when you visit our Site. The information we collect and share with third parties through Cookies is aggregated and therefore anonymous (it does not include personal information which is likely to identify you). The information may be used to serve you ads in relation to our products when you visit our Site and third party websites. You can access information about Google’s Privacy Policy here.
  6. Other members of the Line Capital Group, which must handle your information in accordance with this Policy;
  7. While we recommend that users enable Cookies on their browsers in order to enjoy all the features of our Site, the decision remains in the hands of the user. Most browsers allow you to control management of Cookies, this will be different depending on each user’s PC - refer to your browser help menu for further information.


We take compliance seriously. To report a breach you will need to complete a privacy complaint form, and send it to the privacy officer. The privacy officer will meet with you to discuss the process for dealing with your complaint. You can download the Privacy Complaint Form here.

Any suspected or known breaches of the privacy will be investigated by the privacy officer, who will take appropriate action to prevent any further breach and minimise impact.

Where any breach of personal privacy has the potential to cause embarrassment or harm, the affected individual will be advised of the breach and supported to minimise impact, and Line Capital Group will seek to agree a remedy acceptable to the individual.

Should there be a deliberate breach of the privacy of a person, the person in breach will be considered to have committed serious misconduct and may be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal. They may also be subject to the terms of the Act.

You can also make a complaint directly to the Privacy Commissioner. The Commissioner will either investigate the complaint or decide to take no action, following the rules set out in the Act. The privacy officer will assist the Privacy Commissioner in any investigation.

Line Capital Group is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives. This privacy policy will explain how Line Capital Group collects, uses, stores, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. It will also explain how you can access and correct any personal information that we hold about you, how to request information from us, and how to complain about any suspected privacy breach.

This Policy is for Line Capital Holdings Limited and each of its Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries (Line Capital Group). Your information may be shared with companies within the holding group to facilitate financial accommodation and other services relating thereto.

The Policy will also:

  1. Outline how Line Capital Holdings Limited will provide financial accommodation, and other services relating thereto, in each case, to its customers, including by collecting personal information from customers in connection with the provision of such financial accommodation and ongoing monitoring of the same.
  2. Ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 2020.